The Eco-Action Committee supports the Hawkins Cove Restoration project.


Committee meets the last Wednesday each month at 4-5 PM.  

If you want to volunteer for this committee, send your contact information to  

ECO Action Committee Letter

The Eastport Civic Association’s Eco-Action Committee has reviewed Case # VAR2020-001 and recommends against granting the variance. The case was reviewed under standard variance standards of city code rather than under the Critical Area law variance rules which we believe is the appropriate review process for this matter. Click here to view the letter.

Main Street Green Infrastructure Project
View presentations for Public Meeting for Main Street Green Infrastructure held on January 17th and 31st.  The final will be held on February 27th, 6 PM, at City Council Chambers.  

   Presentation 1

​   Presentation 2

Annapolis Resilience Financing Assessment

​St Luke's Restoration of Nature

Click here for more information.  The ECA donated $2,500 towards the restoration in the fall of 2018.

The EcoAction Committee will gather as well as disseminate information about proposed ordinances and large developments with environmental impact so that a broad and diverse community of Eastport residents can obtain information, ask questions, and give input to the ECA and the City.  The Committee will encourage collaboration among stakeholders so that environmental problems and potential solution strategies can be clearly and accurately identified.  

Committee members will attend public meetings to gather information related to existing large developments that are already in the Planning and Zoning (P&Z) review pipeline, or are under construction, in order to keep Eastport advised of the environmental impact of those projects and work closely with the Planning and Major Development Committee, including providing feedback on environmental practices and proposed plan.

The committee will endeavor to ensure that all the City enforce all environmental protections and storm water improvements allowed under zoning Codes for the City of Annapolis and which comply with the objectives of the Annapolis Comprehensive Plan and approved Sector Studies.

The committee will communicate directly with citizens, developers, advocacy groups, business owners, and City agencies to identify specific areas of concern regarding environmental issues.  The committee will work to facilitate a fully transparent exchange of information, support useful collaborative efforts to maximize citizen input.  

The committee shall regularly report on its activities and/or recommendations to the ECA Board of Directors.  The committee's written findings and/or recommendations shall be coordinated through the ECA President, who shall share them with the ECA Board of Directors.  The committee shall then transmit any of its findings and/or recommendations through the ECA President to P&Z staff or other appropriate City agencies, or elected officials in writing.  From time-to-time, the committee shall prepare materials for the ECA newsletter and the website to keep members abreast of developing plans and outcomes when appropriate.

The committee shall consist of a chariman and at least two other members of ECA in good standing.