
2023 Meeting Dates

Monthly meetings are on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 6 PM (unless cancelled because no applications or plans have been submitted for review/comment). If interested in attending a meeting, email Chair at for that month's location

The next meeting will take place on September 14.

2023 Committee Members

Jackie Wells (Chair)

Judy Billage

Craig Martin
Eric Pilka
Ann Pierson
Nicole Rauzi
Joyce Roper

Eastport Civic Association
P.O. Box 3539
Annapolis, MD 21403
Copyright 2020 © Eastport Civic Association. All rights Reserved.

​​​​​​​​This committee works with the City's Planning and Zoning (P&Z) Department and other City agencies on the architectural aspects and zoning considerations of proposed new and renovation projects in the Eastport Conservation District (R2NC). Its purview includes architectural aspects of development that affect the character, and quality of the Eastport community, including the Residential Conservation Overlay, and the Eastport Gateway Ordinance.  The Committee is not a regulatory decision-making entity. We provide comments to the City of Annapolis P & Z Department when they send us plans to review. 

Property Owners:  If you are seeking guidance in planning new construction or alternations to existing structures and wish to meet with the A&Z Committee, please contact

Anyone thinking about renovating a home in the R2NC should consult the City of Annapolis P & Z Department's "Eastport Guide to the Design Review Process", which can be found here.  The review process is conducted and decided by City's P & Z Department.  They offer guidance to the property owners about requirements of the City Code in advance of filing applications.  You can reach the City's P & Z Department at 410-263-7961.

Projects Currently Under Review

There are 2 projects for the committee to review at its October meeting:

1. 704 Severn Avenue

2. 810 Severn Avenue

Comments submitted by the Committee to P&Z are uploaded by P&Z to the City’s eTrakit site: