​​​​​​​Annapolis Police Soon to Benefit from High-Tech Surveillance Cameras

Questions you may have include, what does the plan bode for Eastport? What is the expected timeline for approving the plan? What happens after that? When and how can residents provide further input?  Find the2040-Comprehensive-Plan here along with references and other supporting materials. The Recommended Actions Matrix starting on page 412 is particularly useful.

Ross was first elected to the City Council in 2007 and is now in his 17th year representing Ward 8. During his tenure he’s built extensive knowledge of both the City Code and the City Budget process, and he’s especially interested in issues related to land use, the environment, city finances, and public safety.

Please join us! Active engagement is an important aspect of strong communities. The meeting is open to ECA members and others interested in attending. See you there!

​​​​​​​ECA/HACA Work Group Seeks Practical Approaches to Eastport Crime​​

Next ​General Meeting: Tuesday, April 16, 2024

ECA General Meetings:

  • Tuesday, April 16 - General Meeting, 6:30 Social, 7:00 PM Meeting
  • Tuesday, June 18 - General Meeting, 6:30 PM Social, 7:00 PM Meeting
  • Tuesday November 19 - Annual Meeting, 6:30 PM Social, 7:00 PM Meeting

​​​​​​​Eastport group’s input helps tackle

crime issues in the community​​

The Eastport Civic Association (ECA) and leadership from the Housing Authority of the City of Annapolis (HACA) formed a work group in October to brainstorm specific steps for dealing with an uptick in violence, including a shooting Sept. 24 that wounded a 52-year-old woman as she walked into her Harbour House apartment on Madison St. Several more gunfire incidents were reported in the same neighborhood in November and December.  Annapolis police received nearly 40 reports of shots fired in 2023, the highest number in eight years. Gunfire wounded 22 people in Annapolis; nine people were shot to death. To address the increase in gun violence the work group focused on immediate and necessary objectives related to public safety.

Install and Monitor Surveillance Cameras

For years the City has been planning the use of high-tech surveillance cameras in high-crime areas to alert police about suspicious activity and allow officers to be dispatched in response. There is now a commitment by City officials to make the installation and operation of these cameras an immediate priority. Getting the new cameras operating this

Violence Interruption Program
Goal: Ensure that the County-sponsored Violence Interruption Program (VIP) is implemented at a specific location in the Eastport Terrace-Harbor House community. In VIP programs, trusted “street outreach” workers seek to prevent violence through coaching, mediation, conflict resolution, and long-term follow-up in troubled neighborhoods.     

7.    Seek updates on the status and timeline for implementing the VIP program.      
8.    Help the City get the VIP program in place quickly. Meet with County and City staff and the grantee organization to help assure that all parties’ goals and implementation plans are understood and met.
9.    Publicize the purpose and progress of the VIP program in the Eastport community.
10.    Communicate with County and City staff and alderpersons about the project to ensure that the program’s success is a priority.

Public safety funding
Goal: See that State funds available for public safety initiatives are acquired and applied to high-impact projects to stem crime in Eastport.

11.    Understand County/State/Federal funding options for public safety and how this funding can be obtained.   
12.    Assess where seeking grant money for public safety falls on the City’s list of priorities; understand who in the City has the responsibility to seek grant money for public safety.    
13.    If obstacles exist to writing grants for public safety funding, work with City/State/Federal staff and legislators to understand and help overcome these obstacles so Annapolis can take advantage of available public safety funding.   
14.    Publicize and educate the community. Identify strategies that Annapolis citizens can use to encourage leaders and politicians to prioritize grant writing and improve the process for obtaining funds.

Neighborhood support
Goal: With the backing of a citizen coalition in Wards 6 and 8, exert political influence to ensure safety goals are met.    
15.    Identify and contact citizen/neighbor organizations in Wards 6 and 8, such as Eastport Terrace/Harbour House Tenant Council, Eastport Business Association, church leadership, Eastport Shopping Center (owner and stores), and neighborhood/condominium associations.   
16.    Ask the groups to join a coalition to advocate for key safety initiatives in Eastport.
17.    Form a steering committee for the coalition.

The Living Safely Together initiative wants practical, evidence-based solutions in place to prevent shootings and crime in Eastport. We seek to understand details about key City and County crime reduction projects, overcome obstacles to implementation, educate the community about key issues, and spur projects to avoid delays and red tape.

In December the ECA Board approved a new Public Water Access Committee, chaired by Bill Borwegen, to boost Eastporters’ access to the water for fishing, boating, and other recreation. “Did you know that the City of Annapolis sits on 22 miles of waterfront? Yet precious few locations allow public water access,” according to Borwegen. And the water access spots that do exist need attention – better signage, renovations, and regular maintenance, he noted.

A separate committee (not part of ECA) that is focused exclusively on Wells Cove has worked with the City to make Wells Cove more accessible: clearing brush on the path from Boucher to the cove and adding an Annapolis Recreation & Parks sign marking the entrance.

​​Prepare Me Annapolis Mobile App: Notifications of what's affecting the Annapolis area, including severe weather alerts, traffic reports, school & government closings, and more.

winter is the result of advocacy by Eastport citizens and HACA, who met with the Annapolis Police Department (APD) and the City to identify quick, concrete actions to stem increased violence in “hotspot” neighborhoods.

Restore Crossing Guards

Recently the Eastport work group learned that money had been omitted from the City budget that would have paid for a full staff of school crossing guards. As a result, the APD sometimes pulled police from their normal assignments to ensure student safety on the streets. At the group’s request, City staff is now working to restore the funding to hire more crossing guards and relieve the police of this task.

Both Bill Reichhardt, ECA president, and Melissa Maddox-Evans, executive director of HACA, have reached out to City officials to collaborate on other important public safety goals. The ECA and HACA will continue to work together to promote citizen advocacy and meaningful action to help make our neighborhoods safer.

program for grades 6-12), STAIR Literacy Program (helps bring second graders up to reading level), Eastport Elementary School, and many other organizations.

If you are paying your dues by check, print the membership form. Mail your check and completed form to:
Eastport Civic Association
P.O. Box 3539
Annapolis, MD 21403

​​​​​​​Please Attend ECA Town Hall June 18

with Alderman Ross Arnett,

on Annapolis 2024 Comprehensive Plan

Please note that in 2024, ECA General Meetings will be on Tuesdays. We’ll meet at a new location: Eastport United Methodist Church, 926 Bay Ridge Avenue.

  • You can arrive at 6:30 PM for social time with neighbors
  • Meetings will begin promptly at 7:00 PM

Don’t miss our June 18 meeting, which may be your final chance to grasp key aspects of the “Annapolis Ahead 2040” comprehensive plan before it becomes final. This important document provides a blueprint for the city’s future—and if you’re like many of us, you haven’t read it (even if you’ve meant to).  

Ward 8 Alderman Ross Arnett will give quick summaries of the plan’s key provisions and point out issues related to Eastport.  Eric Leshinsky, Chief of Comprehensive Planning, and Chris Jakubiak, Director of Planning and Zoning, will be on hand, along with Ross, to answer your questions.

“This plan took a huge level of effort over several years, and it contains some very good things,” Ross said in a recent phone call. “But it has potential trouble spots, too.” Among his concerns are adequate provisions for public facilities, such as transit, public safety, and public works (stormwater runoff, shoreline restoration, etc.), as well as the focus on “form-based zoning” instead of the traditional or “Euclidian” zoning in place now.  In Euclidian zoning, each designated land area is reserved for a specific use, such as business or residential. Form-based zoning has to do with context – what buildings should look like.


Living Safely Together ─ A Community Initiative to Combat Crime in Eastport

​​​​​​​ECA Launches New Public Water Access Committee – Please Join Us!​​

In response to increased reports of shootings and crime in the greater Eastport community, the Eastport Civic Association (ECA) and Housing Authority of the City of Annapolis (HACA) formed a work group to seek solutions for the City of Annapolis to implement.   
ECA has 700 members and HACA has 357 families who live in Wards 6 and 8. Since mid-October 2023, the two groups have collaborated and have consulted with key City officials to identify workable, near-term actions to combat crime in Eastport.  

The work group’s “Living Safely Together” initiative has identified four goals, as well as actions the group will carry out to help achieve these goals.
Goal: Get surveillance cameras in place and operational as soon as possible in the Eastport area.

1.    Understand the Annapolis Police Department’s current plan to install updated surveillance cameras and shot location software.
2.    Meet with the City’s Management Information Technology department head and others if necessary.
3.    Define obstacles to acquiring, installing, and monitoring the equipment/technology.
4.    Clarify details such as, who in City government is in charge? What is the scope of the project? What is delaying completion? What sources of funding are needed?   
5.    Publicize status and educate the community.
6.    Communicate with City alderpersons and staff about this issue so they make completing the project a priority.

The new ECA committee will support the Wells Cove folks, in addition to operating across Eastport.

“Wells Cove, Jeremy’s Way, Bill Jones Alley and numerous other access points need our attention,” Borwegen said. “Most folks don’t even know where these sites are located.”

•    If you are interested in joining the Public Water Access Committee, contact Bill Borwegen at board3@eastportcivic.org.

•    You can review and comment on the City’s current map of Public Water Access points at: https://www.annapolis.gov/2114/Public-Water-Access-Plan

State Senator Sarah Elfreth shared funding tips for safety initiatives on December 5.

Speaker: Alderman Ross Arnett – with City Officials

Eric Leshinsky and Chris Jakubiak
Date: Tuesday, June 18, 2024
Time:  6:30 PM for refreshments and socializing
           7:00 PM for Town Hall
            (Meeting adjourns by 8:30 PM)
Location: Eastport United Methodist Church, 925 Bay Ridge Avenue

ECA Dues 

Individuals: $25 ($26.05 for credit or debit card via PayPal)
Couples: $35 ($36.05 for credit or debit card via PayPal)

To join or renew your membership, please fill out the
membership form – which appears on a separate web page that has a link to PayPal.

The form also allows you to donate to ECA's Worthy Causes. ECA’s Grants Committee applies donated funds to community groups that apply for help, such as Seeds4Success (a coaching and mentoring

Annapolis Services

Services provided through the City of Annapolis.

​​​​​​​What You Should Know About the 473-Page Plan​​

​​​​​​​ECA Meeting Dates Announced for 2024


Eastport Civic Association
P.O. Box 3539
Annapolis, MD 21403
Copyright  2022 © Eastport Civic Association. All rights Reserved.

On Monday Dec 4, ECA released the latest draft of a plan by a work group from ECA and the Housing Authority of the City of Annapolis (HACA) that spells out four crime prevention goals and several underlying actions. At the Dec 5 ECA meeting, Senator Sarah Elfreth  provided guidance on state grant funding that may be available for crime prevention efforts in Eastport. More information will be shared soon, including a list of specific grants that could be applied to crime prevention.


A quick list of helpful links to

city resources.

AN EasTport Welcome

The ECA is a non-profit, member-based community association.  We engage in activities that improve the quality of life in the Eastport Community and build relationships with our local officials. 

Membership is open to homeowners and renters who reside in Eastport.

​​​City CoNnECTIONs​